HP+ — Smart Printing System
HP, 2020 - 2022
A disconnected printer is the last thing anyone wants to manage. HP+ was developed to bring printers into the age of modern technology and make the experience effortless. It is a cloud-based system that includes a connected and secure printer, ink delivered to your door before you run out, and a “print a page, plant a tree” benefit.
Developing HP+ involved iterating a hardware + service business model and next gen roadmap, aligning a consistent end-to-end customer experience, and articulating a clear messaging architecture. It was especially challenging to introduce this new value proposition in what is a relatively low excitement shopping category.
“Smart printing system” became a simple yet distinct positioning to break through indifference and break away from the rest of the category. HP+ entered the market with full-funnel marketing campaigns to generate awareness and familiarity. Subscriptions were 73% at launch, largely driven by printer buyers at purchase consideration and evaluation stages.
HP+ Value Proposition: Visit HP+ Landing Page (linked)
HP+ That’s Plus Launch Campaign, Europe
Printing Just Got Smart, U.S.